The best way to guarantee that your travel spending remain well within the limit is to plan your budget in advance. There are many expenses that you need to keep in mind for example air fare, hotel expense and food. Then there is one thing you would probably not pay any heed to but on your return, you may have to pay a lot of money, your airport parking. Remember that car you left at the airport when you departed for your travels, that car of yours will have a huge parking bill attached to it on your return. Surely you would want to do your best to avoid overhauling your expense at airport parking. The best way to do this would be to book your services in advance and conduct a thorough research into Newcastle airport parking.
You need to be aware of the type of parking services that offered for Newcastle airport. You can either choose the park and ride service or the meet or greet service. With the park and ride service you will have to park your car yourself at its designated spot on the day of your departure. On you can catch the bus or shuttle service back to the terminal if your parking spot is very far from the terminal. Park and ride is pretty straight forward in its service, you basically pay for the spot where you will park your car. With the meet and greet service though, you will be getting a lot more. You will be assigned a chauffeur on your departure day. You simply need to go to the airport, unload all the luggage from your car and hand over your keys to the chauffeur. Your car will then safely be parked at its decided position by him while you can wait at the airport and enjoy the many services offered there. Upon your return, the chauffeur will bring your car outside the terminal so as you step outside, your car will be waiting for you.
While both of these of services are good options depending on your needs, they come with certain pros and cons. The park and fly service is cheaper to some extent than the other type of service but then you will not have the luxury of having someone park your car for you. There is also the fact that you need to be aware of the schedule for the bus and shuttle service as it runs at certain times. If your parking spot is far away from the terminal, the long walk back can be a cumbersome task. While if you choose to meet and greet for your Newcastle airport parking experience, you will have the most comfort you possibly can have but bear in mind, at a higher price. An additional advantage to choosing the meet and greet service is that you don’t risk your friends or family scattering at the airport while you go and park your car.